Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring Break Challenge!

In Digital File Prep, We were given the challenge to take pictures of interesting things that caught our eye (for both good and bad reasons) and display them on here. I took a little mini-tour of Florida in Jacksonville, Orlando and Tampa and here are my findings.

This was taken at Universal Studios' Island Of Adventure in the Harry Potter area. I thought this sign looked kind of cool because it was themed really well to match the Harry Potter feel.
Here is a marquee header for an arcade dance game in Jacksonville. I really enjoyed this one because I love the colors they used and the curvy lines and dots really really reallyyyyyy entice me.

I'm a giant fan of scenarios that give the feeling that things are larger than life. This was taken from the Toy Story Midway Mania (My favorite movie ever) ride in Disney's Hollywood Studio. It was the queue area leading up to the ride. Unfortunately, the ride conveniently broke down 3 minutes before the park closed after waiting in line for 40 minutes. I was super bummed to say the least.

Here is a sign that was for a shirt shop on Daytona Beach in Daytona Florida. Not much to say here because it's fairly explanatory but I just love that it's a monster wearing a shirt for the shirt place and they used the shirt as a logo.

I had no idea that they actually had Pringles vending machines but I've always been a fan of the Pringles logo. The little man gives the brand such character and life.
This was taken in the D-Street store at Downtown Disney. I really liked how they gave the lettering an old school feel and used the actual figures in the sign. I am addicted to the Vinylmation brand after visiting this store.  They are small vinyl characters that are all different designs and even ones you can design yourself. Very cool stuff.

Gem Tower was an awkward hotel right on Clearwater Beach. I thought this was a little awkward and honestly looked a little dated and old. A little cheesy as well.

Finally we have another arcade game called Dead Heat. What I really liked about this is that instead of using a traditional sign for the game, they actually integrated the logo into the large "pops" on top of cabinet. Not only that, the cabinet looks way cool with the blue lights.

So there you have it, A small snippet of my trip. I found more stuff that was pleasing to the eye rather than annoying but don't get me wrong, there was quite a few annoying designs I saw.

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